[Aware-co] financial help for Diedra

blue2 at net66.com blue2 at net66.com
Fri Jul 25 06:18:15 CDT 2003

Hi List,
I've heard from Diedra that she's doing fine but the legal fees are starting to put a 
strain on her financially.  How would you all feel as a group about putting a 
contribution jar out at the market?  

I've asked her for a short summary of the process to date and what she has been 
told to expect to have left ahead of her.  Maybe I can put something like that or 
another sign on a coffee can and bring it out there on the 2nd -- next time I'll be out 
there.  I told David Green I'd help set up the AWARE things.  I think I can help staff 
the CO table that day, too, if we get them next to each other. 

What do you think about this idea?

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