[BfB(oG)] B4BorG poster time again!

Jim Buell jbuell at uiuc.edu
Sat Aug 12 00:24:39 CDT 2000

> > I'm for meeting Sunday at 5 pm at the Alma Mater in costume and repeating
> > our gala performance of 2 weeks back. Or, I'm open for other 
> suggestions as
> > to how to get the rest of the posters spread around.
>Isn't the "official" day Monday?

Right you are, Jen. I was thinking of what we did last time and didn't look 
closely at the posternation.org suggested date. I think Sunday late 
afternoon/early evening worked well, but Monday may be okay too. Would 
others like to express a preference as to day?

> > I'm wondering if this is a job for the
> > Billionaires, or if the Greens would be better off showing up with a card
> > table, some literature, some buttons, and just playing it straight and
> > blending in. What say? Invited or not, Quad Day feels like too good an
> > opportunity to pass up entirely.
>The Billionaires would be better able to attract attention -- Quad Day is
>always busy and crowded.  Maybe some Greens could hang around the
>Billionaires to hand out literature?

Ideally both should be there. It's a matter of numbers - having enough 
people to pull it off. Gotta get the masses organized ;-). The advantage of 
just being there as Greens is that we could gather interested people's 
names and emails, sell a few buttons and bumper stickers, hand out some 
greens literature, and register some voters. It'd be more fun to be 
billionaires, though, and that counts for a lot. OTOH, we might want to 
save the Billionaires schtick for when Bush, Gore or their veep creeps come 
to town, as they no doubt will. Wouldn't want B4BorG to peak too soon here. 
Or, just have a couple billionaires hanging around the table, raising a 
ruckus and pulling the crowds. So many possibilities, so little time ... .

Jim Buell
jbuell at uiuc.edu
graduate student in Ed Psych, UIUC

The Prairie Greens: http://www.prairienet.org/greens/
Why Nader anyhow?: http://www.salon.com/comics/tomo/2000/07/24/tomo/index.html

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