[BfB(oG)] update: billionaire postering Monday

Jim Buell jbuell at uiuc.edu
Sun Aug 13 14:32:46 CDT 2000

At this point it looks like we'll be putting up a bunch more 'Billionaires 
for Bush or Gore' posters tomorrow. Tentative plans call for meeting at the 
Alma Mater (Green & Wright) on front campus at 5 pm. Join us if you can, or 
email me back for details.

(A previous post had mentioned today as the day - it's tomorrow instead.)


Jim Buell
jbuell at uiuc.edu
graduate student in Ed Psych, UIUC

The Prairie Greens: http://www.prairienet.org/greens/
Why Nader anyhow?: http://www.salon.com/comics/tomo/2000/07/24/tomo/index.html

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