[Cgfc-discuss] CGFC status -- IDF considering kicking the co-op out?

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Tue Oct 8 14:17:33 CDT 2002

Hi all,

I've been hearing a lot of concern being raised that the IDF has
threatened to kick out the CGFC if it does not improve.  As a former board
member, in-house brewmeister, and someone who has, over the years, put in
a great amount of time, energy, and committment into the co-op, I'm very
concerned.  While I was on the board, the IDF asked for a bunch of
information concerning the operations and mission of the co-op.  I and
others drafted multiple documents, working for several months with the IDF
Board's liaison to the CGFC Board.  At the end of this time, we gave these
documents to the IDF's Board.  The IDF Board was then to deliver to the
Co-op an in-depth review document -- I haven't seen this document, but
would like to know if we somehow have failed to live up to the feedback
contained in this review.

Does anyone have a copy of this feedback document that I could look over.
I think it is very important that the CGFC work collaboratively with the
IDF and other allied organizations in town.  If anyone has information
about what is happening, I would like to know more.  I think this is
something that directly affects the entire CGFC membership and should
definitely be talked about.

Let me know,


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