[cgfc-discuss] Inventory & sob story

Lisa Haynes lhaynes at prairienet.org
Wed Jun 16 17:22:23 CDT 2004

Event: Inventory
Where: CGFC
	610 E Springfield 
	Champaign, Il 
When:	Sunday June 27th 5AM until noon
	Monday June 28th 7AM until completion

(Yes 5 AM, you don't need to be there that early, but I will be- my 
nephews birthday party is later that day so I need to get a lot done 
early.  ouch)

I know y'all have been wondering when you can do inventory again....

NOW!!!  Inventory is so hard to schedule in the summer, what with the 
farm, kids who'd rather be swimming, a busy racing schedule and goats 
running loose all over the property.  I really, really, really need
your help.  For an hour  or two, or the whole time.  It's a perfect chance 
to cooperate with your fellow co-opers, meet my family, count some cans,
catch up on hours, make up for your bad behavior friday night and to 
have a rip-roarin' good time.  I promise some fresh baked goodies to 
those who can show up early either day and will make 'em vegan if requested. 
(This is a blatant attempt at bribery.)  We really do need the 
person-power to get this done.

Please sign up by emailing me or on the sheet in the store or by note in 
my box.

Thank you for your kind consideration of my desperate situation,

yours in finance,

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