[CHANGES] October Challenge

Sandra Ahten sandra_ahten at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 30 09:48:07 CDT 2002

October Greetings!

There is no better time to make a commitment to eat better and get in shape. 
Your fall schedule should be somewhat set by now.  The “holidays” are far 
enough down the road as to not be an excuse.  What would you like to 
accomplish in the next 30 days?

October is an exciting month for me. Last year I went on a month long 
“sabbatical.”  I took the month off from all my obligations and traveled 
first to “ground zero” in New York for a couple of days – and then onto 
Vermont where I had received a fellowship for for four weeks at an artist 
retreat.  This year I am taking October to write a book proposal about 
Teaching Adults to Draw. I will not be back at Weight Watchers until 

Part of my goal, in addition to having the book proposal on its way, is to 
try to establish a morning practice of yoga. I feel so much better when I do 
just 15 minutes of yoga – yet I get too busy too fast in the morning to do 
this every day. I will be doing it during October. I’m also going to allow 
myself time for a variety of exercise everyday.

I intend to refine my eating practice without spending too much time and 
energy on food. I will be thoughtfully deciding what I really want; eating 
when I’m hungry, stopping when I’m full. But I am more realistic than that. 
I know I will also eat for comfort, for procrastination, for entertainment. 
But I intend to be fully aware of the reasoning and to do my best to get 
those needs met in other ways when possible.

Would you tell me what your goals for October are? Write me a quick email 
and send it to me in the next couple of days.  If you write down your 
intentions and your goals – you are so much closer to accomplishing them.  
Think about this. I don’t want to just see an end goal (i.e. I want to lose 
xxx pounds) – but tell me the steps that you are going to use to get there.

I’ll not be able to respond to your individual emails. But I’ll enjoy 
reading each one of them and I will be staying in contact with you through 
my "Changes" newsletter. I will check with you individually at the beginning 
of November and discuss your success.

Now - here are some quick announcements:

1) You’ll be receiving a “Changes” newsletter by tomorrow that contains 
everything you ever wanted to know about spaghetti squash. For those of you 
who are local, I understand that Curtis Orchard has a selection inexpensive 
home grown squash including spaghetti squash.

2) Weight Watchers has free registration until October 12.

3) Jen is covering my Tuesday 5:15 meeting. Shirley and Tina are taking 
turns covering my Wednesday and Friday meetings.

4) The Tuna noodle casserole that I gave you a recipe for several weeks ago 
– was by all accounts very delicious. It was however “pointed” incorrectly.  
It should have been 16 points for the whole casserole – not 8 as I listed. 
Sooooo sorry.

5) Remember my Open House/ Art Sale this Friday (7-9pm), Saturday 
(noon-3pm), Sunday (1-4pm).  I look forward to seeing many of you. Come to 
just browse and visit. 1408 South Vine, Urbana.

Sandra’s current schedule:

Women’s Body Groups now forming for November 2002: Thur. 9am, Sat. 10am (5 
week closed group)

Art Classes –
Now reserving: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain- For adults who have 
always wanted to learn to draw, but felt they lacked talent or confidence.  
(Monday’s 7-9pm); Creative Drawing (also for beginners) (Tuesday’s 7-9). 
Beginning Nov. 4 & 5.

© 2002 by Sandra Ahten
Although I am an employee of Weight Watchers, this message has no 
affiliation with Weight Watchers International. I am solely responsible for 
the content.

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