[CHANGES] Discipline

Sandra Ahten sandra_ahten at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 3 10:43:10 CST 2004

Hello subscribers, I just arrived back from an amazing two week vacation in 
Thailand. I am working on a new book and planning an open studio for my 
artwork on Dec 4 and 5. But I wanted to take a minute to tell you I was 
thinking of you and hoping to inspire you to move toward your goals!

I count him braver who conquers his desires than him who conquers his 
enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.   Aristotle

We have a full seven weeks before Christmas. What health goals can you set 
for yourself between now and then? If you have weight to lose – it would be 
perfectly reasonable for you to find a plan that would allow you to lose ten 
pounds before then. Wouldn’t it? How about fifteen? What is stopping you?  
Is it the fact that you know you’ve tried before and failed? Is it because 
you have the excuse that no one loses weight in December? Wrong. Most likely 
it is because you don’t want to discipline yourself.

Being self employed I am not accountable to anyone. This has its dark side. 
Last year I was working on my website www.spiritofsandra.com . If I wasn’t 
making design changes, the programmer was being delayed because of his 
schedule. It just went on and on. Finally my husband asked me, “When do you 
think it realistically could be complete? At first I bristled at the 
question. “It will be done just as soon as I can possibly get it done,” I 

“But when do you think that will be? What date?” I still bristled. I really 
didn’t want to give him a date. I just didn’t want the deadline. I didn’t 
want to discipline myself to that extent.

But I thought about how good it would feel to actually have the project 
complete and off my plate. I decided that I would set a date. I thought 
about what would be reasonable and checked with the programmer. I committed 
to a date six weeks away.

I worked steadily on the website: importing artwork; adjusting color; 
learning how to FTP; and completing various other tasks. Even though I was 
working hard and getting a lot accomplished, the week before my deadline, I 
still had a long way to go. A few days in that final week, I worked more 
than twelve hours a day. I cancelled my studio time and worked the weekend. 
And yes, I got it done. The website went up exactly one day before the 
deadline. I wanted to deny it, but I know that having the deadline was the 
reason that it was done. Without the deadline, I don’t know when it would 
have been done. Would I have eventually just given up?

There is a certain amount of flexibility that I need in my life, but this 
was proof that there is a certain amount of discipline that I need also. I 
need to set deadlines with my goals.

Now I’m writing a book (The Reasonable Diet). I’ve actually employed a coach 
to help me with the book deadlines. I expect my coach to help me set the 
goals and remind me why they are important.  I need someone with experience 
who has made it through large writing projects herself and can help me 
anticipate the hurdles and to make a plan for them.  I know that I need a 
check-in with someone who can help me see my accomplishments and can remind 
me of the bigger picture.

If you have health goals, think about disciplining yourself by setting 
deadlines for your goals. But don’t neglect getting the support that you 
need also. You can do this! Follow these steps.

1) Name your goal and set a date. Do this today.

2) Convince yourself. Meeting your goals is going to require discipline so 
you must feel strongly that you will benefit from it. In the “Changes” diet 
support groups, we keep adding to our list of reasons until we have reached 
75. I suggest you start with 15 and add 5 a week. This is important!

3) Make a plan (step by step).

4) Get support. Your support should include a weekly assessment of your plan 
and your goals. We would love having you in the “Changes” support group, but 
perhaps you have a friend who would serve as your “coach” or perhaps you 
would join an online support group.

We have openings in the “Changes” group meeting on Tuesday at 10am and on 
Saturday at 9am. We have a waiting list for the Tuesday 5pm. For more 
information, email me.

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