Sandra Ahten sandra_ahten at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 29 09:57:00 CST 2005

Hello Everyone! And welcome to the Holidays! Yes, the craziness has arrived 
right on time as it does every year. But you don’t have to participate – you 
can strive for peacefulness.


I hope this newsletter finds you at peace with your eating habits and diet. 
For truly, as the song says, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin 
with me.” If your mind is constantly occupied with what you could 
have-should have-would have-shouldn’t have-eaten how will you be free to 
truly be all that you can be this holiday season.

If you would like some solutions to finding motivation and tips and tricks 
for a peaceful diet during the holidays … I have a short (36 minute) 
seminar/ talk on the Reasonable Diet website that you can listen to. There 
is a booklet to download that goes along with it.
My gift to you: Enjoy. http://www.reasonablediet.com/


If you are an employer or manager who would like to offer on-site Reasonable 
Diet group at your workplace (or an employee who would like to pass this on 
to an employer) I have the details on the “services” page of the Reasonable 
Diet website. http://www.reasonablediet.com/services.htm
I am able to accommodate 3 additional noon time “at-work” groups starting 
after the first of the year.

I have clients that are losing weight. Some that are maintaining. How are 
you? Are you eating with integrity; or are you saying one thing and doing 
another. If you need some motivation during the holidays – my Saturday and 
Tuesday groups are ½ price through the end of the year. Again… look at the 
web page for details.


If you are in the mood to get out and look at some art: I am participating, 
along with 8 other studio/ galleries in Urbana, in the Art Hoo Ha. Hours to 
visit the studios are Friday Dec. 2, 5-9pm and Saturday Dec. 3, 10am – 5pm.
You can get information here. http://www.arthooha.com/index.asp


As many of you know, I’m a co-founder of a Books To Prisoners Program. We 
have books donated from the community and get them into the county jail and 
state prisons. We love donations, but never have enough of the top requested 
book: dictionaries. If you would like to give a dictionary in someone’s 
name, or donate your books, or volunteer – please see the website. 

Peace to You,

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