[Community] Listservs

Elizabeth Simpson elizacorps at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 24 15:08:29 CDT 2009

Hi all, 

Here is a blurb about the listservs- pending approval, we can 'move it out' and make the changes:

I think it's important to keep imc at ucimc.org as the spokes list, because it's the address the general public has to send questions to, and it's the only one of these where specific people care enough to respond. Moving addresses won't be that complicated. 

events at ucimc.org
A public, announce-only list to inform our community about our events. 
It should take the form of a weekly bulletin, or other low-traffic format. 
(will consist of all people currently on imc at ucimc.org)

membership at ucimc.org
A member-only list to inform members about relevant IMC issues. This list will also act as a discussion list for steering in the event that a decision is needed between steering meetings
(will consist of all current members)

imc at ucimc.org
A member-only list consisting of spokes-people and others who are actively involved in the well-being of the IMC. This list is where member issues can be referred to, or where topics get 'hashed out' before a proposal is put to the membership/steering. This is also where the question to the imc would be sent and disbursed to the appropriate working group. 
(will consist of all spokes and self-identified members who want to join) 

I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.

-Harriet Tubman

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