[Cprb] I want to get involved

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 07:07:50 CDT 2003

Dear friend at the Coalition for Citizen Police

Thank you!

I have just seen one of your pamphlets and I'm so glad
you're doing this.  I would very much like to get
involved.  If you have a mailing list, I'd like to be
on it.  Or if you could let me know when you meet, I'd
like to try to come.

I was involved in a group advocating a police review
board in Buffalo, NY, before moving here.  I think the
work you are doing is vitally important, and I'd like
to support it any way I can.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Again, thanks, and keep up the good work!

Ricky Baldwin
801 E. California Ave
Urbana 61801
baldwinricky at yahoo.com

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