[Cprb] Meeting with Aware

John Wason jwason at prairienet.org
Sun Sep 28 09:33:43 CDT 2003

At 10:01 AM 10/26/03 -0600, John Paul Schmit wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>Thanks to John for posting out his responses to the questionaire. I have 
>been emailing back and forth with AWARE folks, and we are now on the AWARE 
>agenda to make a presentation on Sunday 4th (this week was booked up). The 
>meeting is at the IMC (218 w main st) and starts at 5pm. Hope to see you 
>all there,
>John Paul

Unless I'm losing my mind, the first Sunday in October is Oct. 5.  Is that
when the meeting with AWARE is?

The fact that you have your computer clock's date set to 10/26/03 rather
than 9/26, John Paul, could account for some of the confusion.


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