[Cprb] Proposal to move the meeting

J. Wason jbw29 at joimail.com
Mon Mar 1 14:02:56 CST 2004

At 12:36 PM 03/01/04 -0600, Walling, Jennifer wrote:

>Hi all,  
>I would then like to make the proposal that we move the meeting that is on
March 9 from 7-9 to March 16th from 7-9.  I will reserve a new room and
leave a sign on the door of the room on March 9 in case any stragglers
didn't hear that we changed the meeting.  (Just to clarify, we did pass a
hat at the February meeting and I  was almost completely reimbursed for
that meeting.)  I think that we should instead go as a group and encourage
others to go to the Champaign City Council Meeting on March 9.  I think
that we should bring lots of literature to pass out to people at the
meeting who haven't heard about our group and maybe get petition signatures
>I will give a call to the Champaign County Urban League, the group that
has been working on this lately, and let them know what we're up to.
Perhaps someone  should speak on behalf of our group at the City Council
meeting?  It should be someone that lives in Champaign.  
>Please let me know if there are any objections to this proposal.  
>~Jen Walling

It's a wonderful proposal, Jen.  And I'm glad you got reimbursed for the
February meeting.


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