[CPRB] Please Reply - Meeting Times/dates

John W. jbw29 at joimail.com
Mon Sep 5 10:02:55 CDT 2005

At 03:53 PM 8/18/2005, Walling, Jennifer wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>So at the last meeting we once again talked about changing the meeting time.
>This time we want to take into account that we might start a City of
>Champaign CPRB campaign (and therefore shouldn't meet on Tuesdays at 7) and
>that perhaps we should change the structure of the meetings so that we have
>one large CPRB meeting a month and maybe one small activist meeting at
>another time.
>So here are the times that have conflicts...
>Monday 7-9 - Urbana City Council meeting
>Tuesday 7-9 - Champaign City Council Meeting
>1st and 3rd Thursday 7PM - Champaign County Board meetings
>I can never ever do wed. because I'm on student senate (so I'm leaving that
>out as an option, sorry!)
>So here are some options....   Please e-mail me with your vote.
>Big planning meeting that we ask co-sponsoring groups to attend
>Monday at 6 (First monday)
>Tuesday at 6 (First tuesday of the month)
>Thursday at 6 (2nd thurday of the month)
>Thursday at 7 (2nd thurday of the month)
>Thursday at 8 (2nd thurday of the month)
>Thursday at 9 (2nd thurday of the month)
>Friday at 6 (1st Friday of the month)
>Friday at 7 (1st Friday of the month)
>or as a final option, we continue our current meeting time of Tuesday at 8.
>Also, please let me know if you want to
>a.  continue with a meeting 2 times a month
>b.  change to a schedule of 1 meeting a month plus small meetings that are
>scheduled as needed.
>Thanks so much!
>-Jen Walling

This scrolled up off my Inbox screen and out of sight, I'm sorry to say.  I 
haven't seen anyone else respond to it either.  I'd be fine with only one 
main meeting a month, plus small ad hoc meetings.  As for times, Monday and 
Tuesday at 6 PM don't seem so great, because that would give us one hour AT 
MOST to meet before the Urbana or Champaign City Council, respectively, 
meet.  Thursday at 8 or 9 would work best for me, or I could do one Friday 
per month if that's what the rest of the group wants to do.

Let's hear from some other people.  And I guess we're meeting Tuesday 
evening this week, right?  Or is it the SECOND Tuesday of each month?  I 
can never keep it straight.


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