[C-U Smokefree Announce] Don't miss the meeting tonight!

Scott Hays sphcusmokefree at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 3 10:24:50 CDT 2005

Greetings to all who yearn to breathe free!

Just a reminder that CU Smokefree is meeting this evening, Wednesday, August 3, 2005 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at Parkland College and all who get this message are invited and encouraged to attend. 

The meeting is in room L159. Park in the closest B lot and walk toward the flag pole. Enter the L wing and turn right. Turn right again when you can. The hall then turns left and the room will be on your right. 

The agenda includes an update on our progress working with our city councils in both cities, planning for a good turnout for the Sept. 13 study session, staffing our tent at upcoming community events, and the upcomting fundraiser at Ned Kelly's.

We will provide a sandwich tray and drinks for all who attend!  

See you all there!!


The Prez


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