[C-U Smokefree Announce] Updates from the Prez

Scott Hays sphcusmokefree at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 17 23:08:59 CDT 2005

Hi to all of our supporters,
Had a good meeting this evening, and some things I'd like to report.
First, Ned Kelly's fundraiser was a rousing success, bringing in a total $585 into our organization's treasury.  A special thanks to Operating Partner John Schmitt and to the staff at Ned Kelly's!
Of course, all contributions are always welcome, and can be mailed to our address at 815 N. Randolph in Champaign IL 61820.
Second, CU Smokefree will be monitoring the air in many local smoking-permitted establishments over the next few weeks.  Kerisa and Nikki from CUPHD and Kathy Gary have all been trained on the equipment and will go out on the town - all for a good cause, of course!
Third, we have decided to cancel this weekend's Farmer's Market tent display and shift our attention to the Sweetcorn Festival and the two Farmer's Markets leading up to the study session.  
Fourth, the Sweetcorn Festival needs volunteers to help staff our tent.  Come down, enjoy the festival (use our tent to sit in the shade for a while), and help out CU Smokefree by working the tent for an hour or two.  
And here's our CU SMOKEFREE SPECIAL OFFER!  We just got in several more "Everyone Deserves Clean Air" t-shirts.  A brand new t-shirt can be YOURS just for volunteering at our tent for an hour or two.  If you can't volunteer, one of these stylish shirts can be YOURS FREE with a $5 donation to CU Smokefree.   Act now while there are still plenty of shirts in plenty of sizes.  
If you'd just like to pick one up, you can get them from CU Smokefree at 815 N. Randolph in Champaign.
FINALLY, don't forget the CHAMPAIGN STUDY SESSION September 13 at 7pm.  The more people that are there, the stronger the ordinance we will get.  Yes, its that simple! We need to Champaign city council that Champaign citizens care about their air!!
Thanks again for all of your support
The Prez

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