[C-U Smokefree Announce] Updates from the Prez; feeling bloody and bruised

Scott Hays sphcusmokefree at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 17 22:54:38 CDT 2005

Greetings to all who yearn to breathe free (and who yearn for a supportive press!),


Sorry for the long installment, but after the last couple days of media coverage, a smokefree supporter couldn’t be blamed for feeling a bit beat up on.


But first the good news, the November 1 Champaign City Council meeting will likely be hosting “The Battle of the Ordinances” with Giraldo in one corner and the Mayor in the other.  It’s another episode in this saga that none of you can afford to miss. Stay tuned for further details as they become available. This is not yet confirmed.


Sunday’s Chamber of Commerce commentary made clear that their position is an unambiguous no – despite the highly ambiguous results of their own surveys.  A city ordinance apparently received a unanimous “no” vote from their Board of Directors.  No surprises there.  I should add that few Chambers (if any) in other cities have supported this issue – and I should add that plenty have passed smokefree ordinances anyway – as will we! 


To add insult to injury, the Chamber’s decision is featured in a headline story today.  However, also in that story, Mayor Schweighart intimates that his proposal would seem to be going nowhere fast. And, curiously enough, Kathy Ennen apparently maintains the right to remain silent - which is good if you're a criminal, but bad if you're a public official.


Also today, a DI editorial came out against public health and in favor of allowing private businesses the responsibility for protecting the public’s health.  Given their glowing coverage of John’s Pipe shop and local Hookah bars, there are no surprises there, either.  But it is interesting that after more than two years (and after the Champaign council voted), they finally ran an editorial opinion on this issue.


Also, today, lest there be any doubt, the N-G also wrote another editorial on the issue.  Reading somewhere deep between the lines, they do appear resolved to our ultimate success, so I suppose that could be interpreted as a positive.  I think they should get on the right side of this issue now instead of later.  I, for one, look forward to the editorial “Mea Culpa on Smoking – We admit mistake in opposing smokefree policy.”  But I’m not holding my breath (except around other people’s smoke).


Snubbed by the Hub, Part II.  Apparently, rather than deal with having to explain the lack of a CU Smokefree contribution to their feature publication (after we wrote it and were rejected) this week on the smokefree issue, the Hub decided to scrub the whole project entirely.  We were not surprised, but Heather Zydek of the Hub deserves kudos for her efforts on this project.


Also, kudos to longterm supporter Ed Dewan and to newer supporter and local drummer Gordon Kay for recent Letters to the Editor – Gordon had one in the N-G and in the DI on the same day.


Finally, Nikki has circulated the announcement that rather than a regular business meeting this week, we will be holding another smokefree social at Silvercreek Restaurant in Urbana at 5:30.  We hope to see you all there!


CU Smokefree!



The Prez

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