[C-U Smokefree Announce] Mayor Schwieghart

BreathRightsSF at aol.com BreathRightsSF at aol.com
Fri May 19 08:59:38 CDT 2006

Being someone who has spent a great deal of time at the bedsides of my family 
and friends who have died from smoking related diseases, there are two things 
I would like to say about the "so called crass statement" about the mayor. 
First of all, the statement brought much needed attention to the incredible 
addictive power of nicotine. The responsibility for the ironic situation of a 
cancer patient who openly opposes a law that would help reduce the number of 
future cancer victims lies with the mayor, not the messenger of the truth. So we 
are talking about semantics here! Would there be as much discomfort if the mayor 
had been described as Mayor Pathetic? The fact that the messenger felt the 
need to apologize is a perfect representation of who we are in the smokefree 
movement! We are people who care about other people and we are people who take 
responsibility for what we do and how it affects others.

As a person who is affected daily by the public use of tobacco products, I 
would like to ask this one question. When will I get an apology from the tobacco 
industry, from the smokers who so callously interfere with my right to 
function in the public world and from all of the politicians who stand in the way of 
implementing laws that affirm my inalienable right to breathe? Answer that 
question before I take this other matter seriously!

Very Sincerely,
Robert Starkey
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