[C-U Smokefree Announce] Call to action

BreathRightsSF at aol.com BreathRightsSF at aol.com
Tue May 30 21:38:02 CDT 2006

I could not agree more about the need to write letters to the newspaper NOW! 
You are going through what every city and town in America goes through when 
smokefree legislation is so close to reality. The opposition are really afraid 
of people actually having the experience of smokefree lives. You also have the 
added burden of a newspaper that has chosen the WRONG side of this health 
issue, in addition to having a Kraft Foods plant. I would suggest having as many 
people as possible flood the phone lines of the politicians, telling them how 
grateful you are that they chose to protect the health and safety of all of 
their citizens! Never underestimate the power of a Philip Morris owned company. 
They have been known to order their employees to participate in massive efforts 
to create the illusion of widespread opposition. The truth is the enemy to 

Robert Starkey
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