[C-U Smokefree Announce] Tobacco wins again

Scott Hays sphcusmokefree at yahoo.com
Tue May 15 23:26:11 CDT 2007

Yes, the addictive power of tobacco has defeated the
cause of public health in the city of Champaign, at
least temporarily.

The ban is repealed for establishments with a Class A
license (about 53 places) and private clubs.

The good news is that many of those bars in Champaign
- and nice ones with excellent entertainment - will
sensibly remain smokefree voluntarily after
experiencing how great a smokefree establishment
really is. And they would not have had this experience
without us - and all restaurants will be required to
be smokefree by law - and, curiously, we have Mike
LaDue to thank for that little nugget of success.

This outcome was as pre-ordained as tomorrow's sunrise
- and I feel council members insulted all of us by
taking a vote without any internal deliberation or
rationalization at all at the meeting. Nothing we
could have said or done would have changed this
outcome - and we said an did a LOT!

So thanks to all of our supporters, Tuesday night's
speakers, and all who are always with us in spirit.
Remember, we don't have it any worse than the rest of
the state who must wait for January, and in many ways
we're much better off than most cities until then. We
can't wait!

Thanks again,

The Prez
CU Smokefree Alliance

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