David Young dyoung at pobox.com
Tue Apr 26 23:40:02 CDT 2005

On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 07:57:29PM -0500, Sascha Meinrath wrote:
> >>Frannie and I are working on getting the /32 paid for by another 
> >>institution (the Public Interest Registry -- www.pir.org) -- ideally, 
> >>they would be a partner in this endeavor.  I'm certain that there are 
> >>more ideal solutions than a /32 (and am interested in hearing what 
> >>they'd be); but I'm also unclear if folks are saying that this is 
> >>something we _shouldn't_ move forward on, or whether it's more of a "we 
> >>should do this, but we're not done yet" sort of analysis.
> >
> >I am saying a /32 doesn't solve the problems you mention (multihoming, 
> >address duplication).  I do not think you should ask for numbers to be 
> >assigned by ARIN.  Numbers will come from our ISPs.
> If numbers need to be assigned by the ISPs -- doesn't that defeat the 
> purpose of having an ad-hoc network?

If there is no ISP, then you have to make do.  Just for example, I have
made a semi-arbitrary choice of fec0::/64 for our ad hoc net.  I say it
is semi-arbitrary because fec0::/64 used to be assigned to "site-local"
addresses by IETF.  Site-local addresses went away, but I think the
MANET working group has tried to revive them for ad hoc networks.

> I'm trying to figure out how we've 
> gone from IPv6 numbers being a good idea to get (and a debate over how 
> many we should ask for) to your statement that we shouldn't ge trying to 
> get IPv6 numbers.

You are eliding a lot of different ideas, here.

> I'm also trying to figure out why so many different 
> groups from the National Summit for Community Wireless Networks wanted 
> IPv6 numbers if they're _not_ a good idea.  Could you provide some more 
> information on this?

I think that everybody who wants an "IP numbers for all" and an Internet
unfettered by NAT, also wants IPv6 numbers.  This includes most CWNs.
But I cannot specifically tell you how the groups at the Summit would
use IPv6.  That would be a good question for the cwn-summit mailing list.


David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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