SQoTD(tm) (Re: [CUWiN-Dev] visiting viz?)

Chase Phillips shepard at ameth.org
Wed Jan 12 14:12:30 CST 2005

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Stephane Alnet wrote:

> > It's been suggested that using the largest possible prime will
> > make it easy for users to remember.
> > So, it is.
> Stupid question of the day: why does it have to be a number? Why not
> "my-gateway.local" or something like that (in a private TLD)? (That's
> if I remember properly about having a DNS server on the platform.)

I believe Bryan was referring to Internet-connected configurations when he
said this.  In Internet-connected configurations the node's IP is assigned
by an external host and there may or may not even be a DNS name for the
assigned IP.  (For example, node is on a site-local IP subnet and DNS
server is an upstream ISP.)

However, when the node is serving its own IPs and can act as a captive
portal, this is doable and IMO preferred.  We could use help getting all
of the stuff in place that makes this possible, Stephane.


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