[CUWiN-Dev] 0.5.8 branched

David Young dyoung at pobox.com
Sat Jul 16 03:14:59 CDT 2005

I just branched 0.5.8.  I made a snapshot of my NetBSD sources, too.
I'm hoping we can get this version onto all of our Metrix nodes on
Saturday, test overnight Saturday and on Sunday, fix any show-stopping
bugs that show during the weekend on Monday and Tuesday, and then cut
release files Wednesday.

This may be a CompactFlash-only release.  I don't see us testing and
debugging the CD-ROMs before Wednesday.  I don't know of anyone who
needs 0.5.8 on a CD-ROM urgently enough that we should postpone the
release for it.  Please speak up if you are dependent on the CD-ROM.

Just in case somebody else needs to branch a release, I've put
the process into an untested script, below.




# Create a directory for the branch points to go into.
svn mkdir file:///var/svn/cuw/tags/branch-points/$version

# Mark the branch points.
svn cp file:///var/svn/cuw/trunk/src \
svn cp file:///var/svn/cuw/trunk/extern-src \

# Make a release branch from the branch points.
svn cp file:///var/svn/cuw/tags/branch-points/$version \

# End

David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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