[CUWiN-Dev] adding nameservers to node config

tom tom at anotherwastedday.com
Sat May 21 13:10:49 CDT 2005

From: "Chase Phillips" <shepard at ameth.org>
To: "tom" <tom at anotherwastedday.com>
Cc: <cu-wireless-dev at cuwireless.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CUWiN-Dev] adding nameservers to node config

> How recent is the software on Mike's node?  If it's less than a year old,
> it may be using dhcpselect.  When dhcpselect runs dhclient,
> /etc/resolv.conf will probably get overwritten.  In some cases, then,
> changes made to /etc/resolv.conf won't persist between reboots, either.
> There could be a flag for dhclient to only use the network address info
> (and not the DNS info) offered by the lease.  Hacking dhcpselect to call
> dhclient with that flag might keep it from touching /etc/resolv.conf.
> This would be a useful modification to dhcpselect if you're willing to
> look into it.

dhclient can be told to overwrite the default values it obtains from a 
lease, or append them, or almost anything else. It's very flexible, but 
there's one glaring problem: it bases all of this on it's own config file 
/etc/dhclient.conf. I assume that this, too, will be overwritten upon 
reboot, and possibly by dhcpselect. As far as I can tell, there are no 
command line flags that alter which information dhclient takes from a lease, 
this is all handled by its config file.

There is a file in the db directory called dhclient.leases which should 
persist across reboots because it contains old leases to fall back on in the 
event that a DHCP server is unreachable. However, this does get occasionally 
overwritten as new DHCP leases are obtained. So that probably does no good 
either. And in the DNS case, a lease is obtained anyway, just part of it is 

I might try modifying /permanent/etc/resolv.conf, the steps involved go a 
bit beyond my level of expertise and I would hate to mess up on of the 
partitions and make the node non-upgradeable. 

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