[CUWiN-Dev] persistant configs...

William Waites ww at groovy.net
Fri Nov 4 11:44:51 CST 2005

working with bsd routers and quagga, i've gotten into the habit of making use 
of the integrated config with vtysh.

now that i've gotten my hands on a soekris board and have been hacking on it 
for a bit, one thing that is a bit inconvenient is the way that persistant 
configs work. to put it simply, "wr mem".

on the one hand, it is nice to have a standard, cookie-cutter, 
all-configs-the-same sort of box, it makes it easy to drop in replacements, 
for example, and fewer moving parts means potentially fewer things to break. 

on the other hand, one-size-fits all doesn't always work. it's nice to have a 
simple way, where you don't have to go through the hoops of mounting and 
unmounting filesystems and editing templates and such in order to, say, add a 
static route, etc.

perhaps it would not be the worst idea to have / mounted read-write, and 
twiddle the paths that quagga wants to use in order to make "wr mem" work as 



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