[CUWiN-Dev] 0.6.0 ready for release

Bill Comisky bcomisky at pobox.com
Fri Jan 6 21:22:57 CST 2006

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, David Young wrote:

> Let's call 0.6.0 a release.  Here's the status:
> Sounds like the latest hslsd sources run without creating zillions of core
> dumps at CNT; in Urbana, I haven't seen any core dumps in a long while.
> I added some diagnostic features that will help find out why hslsd dumps
> core at CNT.  All in all, reliability has increased a lot.  I want to
> squash the remaining hslsd crashes before 0.6.1.

Just wanted to give some positive feedback here, the network performance 
has improved dramatically in Lawndale with the latest fixes to the 
software and splitting our network into 2 separate channels (due the 
specific topology with our tower gateway coverage).  Since we upgraded 6.5 
days ago, we've only had 3 cores on each of the two gateways in the tower, 
and I they were both within the first hour the nodes were up (actually 
they look consecutive 5 minutes apart, maybe the first 20 minutes).

We've had a lot of enthusiasm from our people on the ground about the 
stability and performance after the latest upgrade, kudos!


Bill Comisky
bcomisky at pobox.com

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