[CUWiN-Dev] Muni wireless model

Christopher Gnanakone chris at wifixchange.com
Wed Jun 21 10:41:15 CDT 2006

To:  Development Team:
Fm: Chris Gnanakone

WifiXchange is a non profit company based in Walnut Creek, California  
primarily focused in providing wireless broadband services to small  
rural communities. We are keen to learn about your implementation in  
Lawrence, KS and hopefully replicate the model in small communities  
elsewhere in the US and Canada.

Please contact me at the following numbers. If I am not available on  
he direct line, please call me on my cell phone. I look forward to  
hearing from you soon.

Regards, Chris

Christopher Gnanakone
VP Business Development
chris at wifixchange.com
Tel: (925) 932-5465
Cell: (925-915-2736
Fax: (925) 891-2971

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