[CUWiN-Dev] libstdc++.so.5.0 is missing

Lu-chuan Kung kung at uiuc.edu
Wed Mar 8 23:16:42 CST 2006

I found that in the image I built from the current svn source, the 
library /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5.0 is missing. However the file is 
present in the $scratch/D/ directory. So I guess something is wrong with 
the metalog files. I'm also sure it was there in the old 0.5.9 image. 
Since I don't quite understand all the steps involved in building an 
image, can somebody tell me how to fix this problem?


Luke (Lu-chuan) Kung
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science, UIUC
Office:    Siebel Center 3111
Tel:       217-244-8433
Email:     kung at uiuc.edu

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