[CUWiN-Dev] Wrap build.

Bob Ney bney at calwisp.com
Thu May 18 13:44:21 CDT 2006

Has anyone been able to get a wrap card build to work?

I have tried the current CF image on a pair of WRAP 2c cards
and it seems to almost work, except for the problem that hslsd
keeps reporting failures to write to the radio card. The two units
associate and I can communicate between, but the routes are not
shared and routeviz will of cource not operate in this environment.

I would use the soekris cards, except that I currently have 30 locustworld
units deployed on wrap cards and I need to switch them to something else as
has some nasty bugs in it that are driving my users nuts.

Bob Ney.
Central Valley Broadband.

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