[CUWiN-Dev] Multiple gateway support

Mike Earnhart michael.earnhart at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 00:46:48 CDT 2007

Hello people,
   I have been working on multiple gateway support and am fairly close
to pushing it out for you to use.  Seemingly unimportant info:  I am
currently in the heat of writing a thesis about this protocol and how
it brings about peace and prosperity, shock and awe ... and the list
goes on.

What I would like is for people who manage networks that are running
and have any usage that is real (you can define real however you want)
to email me so I can work with you specifically to quantify the
problem.  What problem is that ... well TCP connections breaking due
to gateway route changes mid TCP flow.  So this email only applies to
CUWiN networks with multiple gateways (the subject line should have
filtered out those who don't have this).  PLEASE email me - I will be
working on a script that will log gateway switching activity and I
want as much data to show there is a problem.  I can create this data
myself as I do have a test bed but your data is more important.

Your cooperation is much appreciate, and I apologize for the
inconvenience (in advance)

Do note that until I have "found" a problem I cannot offer the
solution - standard research procedure

Michael Earnhart
mearnha2 at uiuc.edu

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