[Dryerase] AGR Nazi's protested in DC

Shawn G dr_broccoli at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 4 13:16:13 CDT 2002

Asheville Global Report

1,000 oppose Nazi march on Capitol Building

By Shawn Gaynor

Washington, DC, Aug. 25 (AGR)—On Saturday, about 800 neo-Nazis, accompanied 
by heavy DC Metro and Capital Police and Secret Service forces, marched from 
Union Station to the Capitol Building, “Seig-Heiling” and shouting a variety 
of white supremacist and anti-Semitic slogans. The event, sponsored by the 
National Alliance (NA) was met by an aggressive crowd of protesters 
estimated by the police at around 1,000, including a large Anti-Racist 
Action contingent. This gathering was the largest, public, white supremacist 
meeting since World War II in the United States. The National Alliance had 
come to Washington to protest US funding of Israel, and rant about the 
“Zionist conspiracy” to rule the world.
Nazis chanted, “What do we want? Jews out! When do we want it? Now!” The 
march was led by the National Alliance deputy membership coordinator, Bill 
Roper. Roper was beaten with a crowbar last year at a National Alliance 
event in front of the German embassy. The head of the National Alliance, 
William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries (a fictional account of a 
future race war), could not make the event as he died this month in his West 
Virginia compound.
Earlier, anti-Nazi protesters blocked the parking deck entrance to Union 
Station preventing several National Alliance members from entering. In this 
area Nazi cars were turned away by a crowd of “black bloc” anarchists, while 
shoppers and travelers were permitted to enter. Metro police, unprepared for 
protests in this area, stood by for a half hour before asking protesters to 
disperse. As more police arrived, protesters relented and moved around to 
the front of Union Station, where the Nazi march was to begin.
As the march from Union Station to the Capitol Building began, the crowd of 
counter-demonstrators became unruly.
Despite a heavy presence, police were unable to contain 
counter-demonstrators, who repeatedly took the streets and boldly maneuvered 
through and around police lines. Despite this, government security forces 
maintained a buffer between the neo-Nazis and the protesters, though small 
groups of anti-Nazis confronted isolated National Alliance members.
By mid-day police appeared exhausted in their heavy gear as temperatures 
climbed well into the 90s, and often responded slowly to crowd movements. 
After the event ended, small groups of anti-Nazis dispersed through the 
area, confronting the neo-Nazis as they left town. Several neo-Nazi 
stragglers were allegedly assaulted during and after the Washington march, 
though Assistant Police Chief Terrance Gainer of the US Capital Police said 
no injuries were reported. The only reported arrest of the day was that of a 
Chicago man for throwing rocks at the neo-Nazis. He was released after 
paying a $50 fine.
According to Baltimore media, earlier in the day, Nazis were confronted by 
dozens of protesters at the Baltimore Travel Plaza. It is unclear how 
fighting began, but the ensuing melee, or “mini-riot” as characterized by 
Baltimore police, left several neo-Nazis bloodied, one hospitalized, and a 
disabled a charter bus, which had been slated to carry the Nazis to the 
demonstration in Washington, DC. Several sources reported that the bus tires 
were slashed, and the Baltimore Sun reported “either pepper stray, or 
camouflaging smoke” was discharged in the bus. Baltimore police arrested 26 
anti-Nazi protesters and two members of a New Jersey Indymedia collective 
near the scene of the plaza. No Nazis were reported arrested or detained. 
The early morning protest prevented scores of neo-Nazis from traveling to 
the Washington, DC event.
Neo-Nazi skinheads returned to the suburbs of Baltimore after the DC rally 
Saturday to hold a “white power” concert. The event was held at the White 
Marsh National Guard Armory, though no explanation could be given for the 
use of the armory as a white power venue. Several activists and local 
community residents rallied in front of the building to protest the event. 
Local police, FBI, and Secret Service agents stood by outside the concert to 
respond to any confrontation. It was unclear why the Secret Service was 
present, as their role typically revolves around the protection of the 
president and other federal elected officials. Though local media reported 
that a confrontation was expected, none developed.
That evening, police raided and searched a Baltimore venue looking for 
anti-Nazi activists and attempted to gain entry to the Progressive Action 
Center (a local press center and library), but were turned away when they 
were unable to produce a warrant. Indymedia also reported that the raided 
venue, which was searched by police twice, was entered without a warrant. 
Police maintained a presence outside the Progressive Action Center, until a 
news helicopter arrived and network news crews began interviews with the 
building’s occupants.
On Monday, the last of those arrested in Baltimore had been released on 
bail. Charges against the anti-Nazis varied, but included disorderly 
conduct, aggravated assault, rioting, and weapons possession charges. One 
local minor has been charged with an outlandish 23 counts of aggravated 
assault in connection with the conflict. A solidarity vigil of up to one 
hundred Baltimore residents spoke out for the arrested anti-Nazis, under the 
banner “Anti-Racists under Siege.” The vigil was ongoing for the two days 
between the arrests and the release of the last activist Monday evening.
Baltimore activists say funds are urgently needed for the legal defense of 
those accused in the Travel Plaza incident, and are asking those concerned 
to donate to a local “Anti-Fascist Solidarity” Fund. Checks to the fund 
should be written out to Black Planet Books, with ‘Anti-fascist solidarity’ 
written in the ‘Memo’ line, and sent to the following address: Black Planet 
Books 1621 Fleet St. Baltimore, MD 21231.

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