[Gghc-discuss] Electronics coming today and working sessions

Jonathan Manton jmanton at illinois.edu
Thu Apr 21 09:36:05 CDT 2011

The electronics for the prototype are arriving today (a day early).   
I'm going to go to the fablab around 4:15-ish to make some breakout  
circuit boards so we can connect to the arduinos with ribbon cable (I  
have ribbon cable and connectors and headers).  I'd appreciate company/ 
help from anyone that can show up.  I'll have my acrylic too, if  
anyone wants to work on the front panel/case design.

I'll be adjourning to the makerspace whenever it works for everyone  
else to start putting the circuit together, and to sort of merge in  
with the Thursday open hours (are there Thursday open hours?).  There  
is plenty of work for multiple people - we could probably have 3  
people working at the same time on getting the prototype together.

Anyone who wants to work on this stuff send an email to the list  
saying when you are available and what type of stuff you want to work  

Hopefully we'll be able to start doing software on the actual hardware  
later tonight.  I'm pretty excited :-)

As a side note - does anyone have any logarithmic potentiometers?  The  
value isn't as important (10K or 100K or whatever) as the fact that it  
is logarithmic.  We need 2, one for the microphone (to set gain) and  
one for the speaker (to control volume).  U of I EE stores didn't have  
any.  It isn't a big deal, we can always order some, but it would  
allow us to get the audio pieces working in the prototype.

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