[Gghc-discuss] Electronics coming today and working sessions

Chris Ritzo chris.ritzo at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 12:54:06 CDT 2011

If we can connect, I'd like to see if my friend Lisa would sit down with a
description of the prototype and the prototype itself to give feedback on
it. We could capture her thoughts as a STEM educator for UI Extension to
support it's efficacy in the classroom or in after school programs.

Is there a description of it already written?


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Jonathan Manton <jmanton at illinois.edu>wrote:

> The electronics for the prototype are arriving today (a day early).  I'm
> going to go to the fablab around 4:15-ish to make some breakout circuit
> boards so we can connect to the arduinos with ribbon cable (I have ribbon
> cable and connectors and headers).  I'd appreciate company/help from anyone
> that can show up.  I'll have my acrylic too, if anyone wants to work on the
> front panel/case design.
> I'll be adjourning to the makerspace whenever it works for everyone else to
> start putting the circuit together, and to sort of merge in with the
> Thursday open hours (are there Thursday open hours?).  There is plenty of
> work for multiple people - we could probably have 3 people working at the
> same time on getting the prototype together.
> Anyone who wants to work on this stuff send an email to the list saying
> when you are available and what type of stuff you want to work on.
> Hopefully we'll be able to start doing software on the actual hardware
> later tonight.  I'm pretty excited :-)
> As a side note - does anyone have any logarithmic potentiometers?  The
> value isn't as important (10K or 100K or whatever) as the fact that it is
> logarithmic.  We need 2, one for the microphone (to set gain) and one for
> the speaker (to control volume).  U of I EE stores didn't have any.  It
> isn't a big deal, we can always order some, but it would allow us to get the
> audio pieces working in the prototype.
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