[Gghc-discuss] Progress on hardware

Jonathan Manton jmanton at illinois.edu
Sun Apr 24 23:32:23 CDT 2011

Done a ton of work today, mostly on designing the circuit boards for the user peripheral switching and LED control.  The circuits are really simple, but it is a huge pain in the ass to route the boards using just one side (hard to hand-make 2-sided boards).  Here is a page that lists the various boards and their status:  http://tech.chambana.net/projects/duinolab/wiki/Circuit_Boards

Everything I've done is in git, in the hardware subdirectory.

I ran out of circuit board material, so haven't been able to fabricate more boards.  FabLab has some, but they were closed today due to Easter.  Will go get some tomorrow afternoon and make more boards.

Someone needs to write a blog post on the Element 14 site.  I think Chris' writeup is a good start to that, maybe even fine as-is.  I can do it tomorrow if nobody else can do it tonight, but I'm really tired right now.  

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