[Gghc-discuss] Proposed initial purchase - too much?

jmanton at illinois.edu jmanton at illinois.edu
Thu Mar 31 08:37:29 CDT 2011

> *  3 arduinos
> * 3 XBee sheilds
> * 2 XBee Explorer USB
> * 5 XBee radios

This is $359.05, plus shipping (assuming SparkFun, $27.16 overnight for
Friday, $14.44 2-day for Monday).  Also a huge chunk of our initial

With this option we don't have motors, a base, batteries, or a motor
controller.  I don't like the idea of spending that much money and leaving
out the entire drivetrain and power subsystem.  Our first robot milestone
is supposed to be driving in a figure-8.  We can't do that with this
option.  You also can't disconnect the arduino/XBee from your laptop, as
it won't have power, so doing range tests with the XBees will be a pain.

That said, at this point I feel we need to order *something*, or else we
lose an entire week.  I would prefer to have drivetrain components to work
with this weekend, but if it gets us to an agreement faster then go ahead
and get this list (don't forget USB cables and the 8-pin and 6-pin headers
- the XBee Shield does NOT come with headers to plug it into the
arduino!).  We can worry about the drivetrain and power later I guess.

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