[Gghc-discuss] Proposed initial purchase - too much?

Brian Duggan bcdugga at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 12:22:10 CDT 2011

I think there's agreement. Jonathan said that Erich's parts list is
fine, if not everything he would like to see this weekend. Of course the
list should include any extra XBee hardware that Jonathan caught.

I understand that this does not get us everything we need for the first
robot milestone, but Erich is right that there will be plenty to work on
this weekend.

It sucks that we can't accommodate everyone's precise interests in the
first round of purchasing. I think the real stress right now is that we
have an incredible range of skill levels and interests in our
engineering group. It's going to be impossible to satisfy everyone's
exact desires all the time. Some of us will have to wait sometimes while
others play and learn, and some of us will have to do our best to keep
up with the the more experienced folk. If we continue to exercise
patience with each other, even in the face of deadlines, we can use
these differences to our advantage. We're like a team or something :)

Let's go ahead and get the currently proposed parts ordered. There
should be *something* for everyone to do this weekend, even if it's not
exactly what we wanted to do right away. You *will* get to do those
things! Thanks for playing ball. Our project will be stronger for it.


On 3/31/11 10:57 AM, makerspace.derekdagit at spamgourmet.com wrote:
>> The tl;dr here is I won't order anything until someone else chimes in,
>> as there seem to be some pretty big differences of opinion here.
> I will defer the decision to you guys.  I haven't seen any plan so far
> that I'd object to.  (I'm more worried about time than money, anyway.)
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Brian Duggan
Technical Projects Developer
UC Independent Media Center
http://www.ucimc.org | 631 223 8442

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