[Middle Room Gallery] SNEAK PEEK! Pre-Christmas Top Sellers Sport Jerseys and Beanies

Lesley Lesley at jdhksm.cn
Mon Dec 8 21:03:00 EST 2014

 Pork tugging none too gently at Gerald’s arm, dragging him toward theback porch. Gerald was mumbling querulously and pulling away like a child.
  From the back yard she heard Mammy’s strident voice: “You, Priss! You git unner dat house an’
  han’ me dem shoats! You knows mighty well Ah’s too big ter crawl thoo dem lattices. Dilcey,comyere an’ mek dis wuthless chile―”
  “And I thought it was such a good idea to keep the pigs under the house, so nobody could stealthem,” thought Scarlett, running into her room. “Why, oh, why didn’t I build a pen for them downin the swamp?”
  She tore open her top bureau drawer and scratched about in the clothing until the Yankee’s wallet was in her hand. Hastily she picked up the solitaire ring and the diamond earbobs fromwhere she had hidden them in her sewing basket and shoved them into the wallet. But where tohide it? In the m
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