[Imc-girls] March for Women's Lives on April 25

Elizabeth Cimsohn elizacorps at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 1 12:04:53 CST 2004

so, for us who don't know- how are folks going and can
we go along too?

p.s. I can't make it for a bunch of tuesdays in a row
(including the last two and the next two or three) but
I am saying 'rah rah rah' and continue to be open to
requests for help/support/info/chores etc. My 'unique'
areas of specialty are: sexuality (women's in
particular) female reproductive system function (incl.
doing self-breast exams and self-pelvic exams),
natural family planning (chemical/product free birth
control), facilitation/mediation, and verbal self
defense. I also love fun and am a virgo on the cusp of
libra with lots of libra houses and a libra moon. 

p.p.s. there is a ragg mailbox au IMC with the extra
buttons in it. 

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