[Imc-girls] Launch Beer Tasting Update

Leslie Sherman leslie at ojctech.com
Mon May 3 18:40:13 CDT 2004


Here is my status for Tuesday's meeting regarding the
beer tasting. Sorry if it repeats info I've already sent out.
Please note the QUESTIONs I've highlighted and give me/Anne feedback.
As I mentioned before, I have a meeting tomorrow evening, so I can't go to 
the meeting to give my report there.

Current plan is to have a beer tasting. This will be hosted by
the Corkscrew and Iron Post.

Location: Iron Post
Time: 3-4 or 4-5 (Need to finalize time with Iron Post)

QUESTION: I am assuming it will be about 1 hr - do you think we'll need 
it longer?

The tasting will be an overview/intro to beer, its ingredients, different 
types of beer, etc. Currently it isn't clear who will teach it. Michael 
from the Corkscrew is going to see if one of his female staff would like 
to get a bit more up-to-date on beer so she can teach it. Most of his 
female staff have more of a wine focus. If his staff isn't interested then 
he is going to see if there are any women in the beer industry locally 
(may be Chicago) who would like to teach it. If he can't find a woman our 
options are: 1. make it a wine tasting or 2. have a male teach it.

The beer for the tasting will be donated by the Corkscrew. (Yeah! 
Doesn't impact the $$ we get in for registration.) He asked us to 
limit the enrollment to 30 people and would like an estimate of the number 
of people who will come. 

QUESTION: If you have an idea/rough estimate right now, please let me know 
so I can pass it on to him.

QUESTION: Is registration for the day going to be limited to a certain 
time frame or can we register women who see that the tasting is going to 
happen and want to join in?? 

My To Do List for this class:

1. Finalize the time with the Iron Post and Corkscrew. 

2. Keep in touch with Michael of the Corkscrew to determine if it is a 
beer tasting or wine tasting - can he find a female teacher?

3. Get volunteers to help setup for the tasting. (Unless we have a 
volunteer coordinator who is doing this?? If not, let me know if you'd 
like to volunteer.)

4. Keep y'all informed about changes for the class.

5. QUESTION: Anything else you can think of???



Leslie Sherman          You can update your website
WebEasel, Inc.             with WebEasel
Software Engineer               - It's that Easy!
leslie at webeasel.net
217-344-0444            http://www.webeasel.net

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