[RAGG-Core] 5/18/04 General Meeting Notes & Final Ragg Mag Women and Work issue meeting

Michelle Alvarado eyesigns at prodigy.net
Tue May 18 22:52:16 CDT 2004

Tonight's meeting was short.
We got the stamp out and started stamping patches.
It is now in the box with the extra flyers.
Molly sorted through the donations of fabric dresses and clothes. Some was
usable as is. others needed a wash..
sarah and molly agreed to flyer the towns this weekend.
We all wondered about the status of the benefit show and party.
Sarah thought she might know a DJ who could work that night. She was going
to check on it.
We decided that since we had no volunteer coordinator that everyone would
have to just show up ready to work!
So zoe g., sarah, molly, michelle, salma, and edie agreed to volunteer at
the RAGG Launch.

Ragg Mag meeting went well. Next Monday is the last chance to do something
with RAGG Mag.
It will be at Michelle's house 6:30, 310 W. Vine St., Champaign. 359-8385.
We could use any and all help that night.

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