[Imc-outreach] Outreach notes 12.15.04

Colleen Cook colleencook7 at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 15 18:51:37 CST 2004

Outreach notes 12.15.04-

-Jane informs us that the brochures will be ready tomorrow!

-Anniversary- conflict with inaugural protest- should we continue with plans 
for party?

   -We should proceed with party, and attempt to include live radio feed 
from DC and/or video feed.
   - Create more solidarity within the community to have some IMCistas in 
DC, and support at our local  IMC at anniversary party which will happen 
   - Anniversay party date is January 19th.
   - Need to put together post card to send out about party ASAP.

-Spruce Up Day announcement- need to determine date.

-We want to be a part of International Education Week in spring. Colleen 
will pass on details. Need to plan "international education" activities- 
international videos, or foreign language books or zines? Do we have 
materials available to showcase???

- Infolist subscriptions. - IMC members that are familiar with IMC structure 
and working groups are invited and encouraged to sign up for list. Do it.

Members present: Jane, Sascha, Meghan, and Colleen

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