[Imc-outreach] outreach minutes 1/26

Jane Andrew not_so_plain_jane at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 27 16:27:21 CST 2005

Attending: Ellen, Jane, Meghan

We think we can round up at least 6ish volunteers to
do brochure deliveries to homes in targeted
neighborhoods.  Meghan suggests North Lincoln.  Ellen
suggests Sesquicentennial neighborhood in Champaign,
which we decide to go with.  Leafletting will happen
2/5/05 at 2 pm, meet at the IMC.

Art Theatre:
Death penalty movie Sunday at 4:30.  Ellen will be
there at the beginning, Jane will show up when she can
for post-show recruiting. 

We want to do another one Saturday 2/26.  We should
think about how to improve our current orientation
program.  Maybe a video?  

10 easy things:
Meghan wants to come up with a sign that has easy
things people can do to help the IMC that don't
require a lot of time/money/effort.  

Community Shares:
We have been accepted!  Next meeting we need to talk
about getting involved, which will help us earn a
larger share of unearmarked money.

Boneyard Arts Fest:  April 15-16.  We should make sure
something happens.  Sascha will let us know when we
need to start doing stuff.

Indymedia conference:
President's day weekend in Austin, TX.  Are people going?

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?

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