[Imc-radio] Re: [Imc] Peace Walkout coverage

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 29 10:03:43 CST 2003

Two folks from video -- Nikki and Sylvia -- will attend Prof. Boyle's 
talk to video tape and also try to tape things going on before that.


Clint Popetz wrote:

>For those with some crazy desire to produce news...
>...the Student Peace Action "Alternative Education: Walkout in Protest
>of War" event will take place tommorow, from 9am-8pm.  Mostly it is in
>Lincoln Hall, with tons of great speakers.  There is also a rally on
>the quad at noon (in the balmy above-zero temperatures), and an ISG
>vote on an anti-war resolution at 7pm.  The full schedule is here:
>	http://www.uiuc.edu/ro/peaceaction/
>I would of course _love_ to have the entire event covered by an army
>of IMCstas armed with MD recorders, but if I had to prioritize what
>would be great to record, it would include:
>	- The Rally at noon
>	- Francis Boyle's talk at 3pm in room 110 Lincoln Hall
>	- Belden's talk at 4pm in the same room.
>	- The ISG vote at 7pm in the Illini Union Pine Lounge
>I will be at the IMC from 9am to 4pm, with breaks, if anyone would
>like to come by and pick up equipment.  If you'd like to coordinate
>what you are doing with me, that would be swell.
>Also, if we have _any_ audio by mid-day we can probably get FSRN
>coverage, although they have said they will be swamped with post-State
>of the Union reaction.  
>				-Clint

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