[Imc-radio] Great 2/2/4 IMCRN!

Kranich, Kimberlie Kranich at WILL.uiuc.edu
Mon Mar 22 14:31:57 CST 2004

Hi, all.

I had a chance to listen to the 2/2/04 edition of IMC Radio News this
weekend and it was excellent.

Sarah K. did a fine job of hosting. Sandra's piece on the banning of Move
On's anti-Bush ad during the Super Bowl and WILL's insistence that AWARE
remove "anti-war" from its underwriting announcement was great.  Zach's
piece on the Urbana City Council vote on Wal-Mart had numerous points of
views. It was great to hear Mary Lee's commentary on Howard Dean's speech
that caused all of the uproar in the media. Ben Grosser's political analysis
in the first installment of "Citizen Speak" was wonderful.

Overall, a top-notch and very locally-relevant production.

Good job.


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