[Imc-summaries] Media, America Have Abandoned Working Folk

imc-tech at urbana.indymedia.org imc-tech at urbana.indymedia.org
Sun Aug 5 11:24:07 CDT 2001

Here's another one of Molly Ivins' columns that is just a little too hot handle for the News-Gazette. She used to be a regular on the N-G editorial page, but their opinion columns have taken a sharp right-ward turn in recent months, becoming dominated once again by the usual collection of retreaded, repetitive conservative columnists who would insist to the readers that they needn't give a thought to any other way of looking at things. Molly hits the nail right on the head here, explaining the corporate media's push for an agenda that includes only the wealthy and their concerns as being fit for public discussion. ML

<a text story>

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