[Imc-summaries] Gutting The First Amendment: Anti-Rave Laws

Thu Feb 8 01:49:15 CST 2001

To:  To all city halls, legislators, aldermans, etc., concerning this issue 

This is a petition on behalf of all promoters, DJ's, and party goers. 
This petition is to help stop the "Anti-Rave" law that was passed in Chicago 
and other major cities. In simple terms, the law states that there can be no party 
that holds 100 or more people at it with a DJ. If you are caught, you as a DJ, 
property owner, or promoter can be fined up to $10,000 and/or possible jail time.

<a text story>

+++ for details on this new story, visit urbana.indymedia.org +++

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