[Imc-tech] DC events

Molly Stentz molly at onthejob.net
Mon Apr 22 20:28:49 CDT 2002

It's pretty easy. Either a) use what I wrote or b) cut and paste the story
on www.indymedia.org or c) just post a headline and a link to the
www.indymedia or www.dc.indymedia stories.


On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Paul Riismandel wrote:

> Hello,
> I am willing to put an update, but I don't have time to write/compile
> it.  Sorry, I just can't create all the content too.  Molly, can I use
> anything you've written?
> If anyone else wants to write a summary and post it to the newswire, it
> will be featured.  But if nobody writes it, there is no feature.
> --Paul
> At 01:54 PM 4/22/2002 -0500, Molly Stentz wrote:
> >Hello everyone,
> >Tech people:
> >Will someone PLEASE put an update up on our website (front panel) about
> >the DC events? Check the global site for updates or pics. Thanks.
> >*****
> >So now the estimates for Saturday's marches are between 75,000 and
> >100,000.
> >The Columbia Mobilization march to the capitol this morning was estimated
> >at several thousand. It was peaceful with no major confrontations.
> >The idea was to block the 3 open entrances to the capitol but there
> >weren't quite enough people to do that. Two groups of people did
> >civil disobedience at entrances and were arrested. One group of Catholic
> >Workers and Christian Peacemaker Team members knelt in a line on the
> >street in front of the capitol and sang songs and were peacably
> >arrested. Total arrests were about 30 I believe.
> >The march ended up in a park across the street from one of the senate
> >buildings. Police then cordoned it off and trapped people inside so the
> >march then went across the street to the permitted rally at upper senate
> >park. After some updates and songs, a group with drums marched with
> >puppets to the nearby jail to do a vigil for the people who were
> >arrested.
> >
> >There's clip of local news coverage here up on the DC website if anyone
> >wants to see how it is being reported. Mainly the focus of the media seems
> >to be how boring it all is (ie - no vandalism, riots, tear gas, etc. ho
> >hum). The Washington Post called it "an uneventful event" on the front
> >page today. There was also a story on the DC IMC in the Style section of
> >the Post yesterday.
> >
> >There will be a rally outside the Hilton at 3:30 where Ariel Sharon was
> >scheduled to stay (he canceled his visit but the protest continues)
> >A Reclaim the Streets is scheduled for 5:30.
> >More later.
> >-Molly
> >
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