[UCIMC-Tech] Register Now for Next Chicago Leadership Series (Public Relations)

Naomi Goldman ngoldman at cfnps.org
Mon Aug 10 10:17:57 CDT 2009

Dear Nonprofit Leader, 

Over 50 people attended our July session on Organizational Transition, and
it's not too late to register for the next session on Public Relations.
We suggest registering early since the session on Public Relations is 
one of our most popular sessions. You can register by going to:

Sincerely, Naomi Goldman 

Event Coordinator 
Center for Nonprofit Success

Next Leadership Series session:
Public Relations - New ways of using PR to disseminate your message
Date: September 22, 2009   
Location: East Bank Club
River View Room
500 North Kingsbury Street
Chicago, IL 60610 
Cost: $95

For general info on the Leadership Series, go to:


Other items of interest:

A. Speakers for future Nonprofit Leadership Series sessions
We are still recruiting speakers for the following upcoming
* Executive Leadership (October 20, 2009)
* Volunteer Management (November 17, 2009)
* Strategic Alliances (December 15, 2009)
* Social Media (February 2, 2010)
* Staffing your nonprofit (March 2, 2010)
* Managing your organization's finances (April 10, 2010)

You can learn more about these sessions by going to:

If you are an expert in one of these sessions, and would like to
share your knowledge, please let us know by going to: 
[Select the Chicago Leadership Series from the dropdown menu]

B. Volunteers for future Leadership Series sessions  
The Center for Nonprofit Success is looking for six volunteers to
serve as greeters at the registration table of upcoming sessions
of the Chicago Leadership series. Volunteers interested in this
great networking opportunity should complete the volunteer
registration form at:


The Center for Nonprofit Success is a nonprofit organization
whose mission to provide the training, knowledge and resources to
help nonprofit leaders succeed. If you do not wish to receive
any future notifications about our offerings, you can unsubscribe at: 

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