[IMC-US] Re: [imc-us-process] usa.indymedia.org

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Jun 20 16:37:09 CDT 2003

Hi all,

The initiative to create an IMC-US is indeed underway -- though it was
discussed at the general Indymedia caucus at the Allied Media Conference
and again in a breakout group specifically dealing with this issue.  The
process we're following is:

1.  The IMC-US at ucimc.org affinity group is putting together a brief
proposal.  There's now a 2-week (July 1, 2003) deadline for refining this

2.  The IMC-US proposal will then be sent to the
IMC-US-Process at lists.indymedia.org group for comment and additional
discussion (probably for another 2-week discussion period -- or more time
if it's requested).

3.  Following this discussion, interested people will apply using already
established processes (i.e., through the New-IMC working group, the
IMC-Process list, etc.).

4.  Go live.

On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 Sarsnic at aol.com wrote:

> Ok, so I was very confused, not realizing that a usa.indymedia.org had
> indeed been proposed.  I just watched the meeting footage at
> I believe that the interpretation of Josh from NYC that new-imc
> collectives simply get a bunch of people together to agree, fill out a
> form and then see if anyone blocks is wrong.  He should simply read
> about the new-imc process as outlined on newimc.indymedia.org and see
> that the process is indeed more specific and indeed focuses on extensive
> organizing before the site is ready to apply for approval.

I think that the goal of having both an IMC-US working group as well as
discussion on the IMC-US-Process list is to address this concern.  We want
to make sure that there is a critical mass of support -- from multiple
regions of the US, from multiple IMCs, and with the diversity of skills
necessary to maintain a national website and attendant infrastructure.

> That being said, I think the site and the reasoning behind the need for
> it is cool and will probably be a good idea and I would hate to see it
> get bogged down endlessly.

I think folks are all on this same page with this.

> I also agree that usa.indymedia.org sounds yucky and would prefer
> something more ironic.  I liked that babylon idea or maybe:
> - thebigone.indymedia.org
> - empire.indymedia.org
> - wethepeople.indymedia.org
> - fourthestate.indymedia.org

The idea for us.indymedia.org is to make it easily accessible by folks
searching for the site.  We can always alias multiple different URLs to
the us.indymedia.org address, so we shouldn't be too worried about the
exact name for the site.  Though I do like the "empire" one . ;)

In solidarity,

--Sascha Meinrath
Urbana-Champaign IMC

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