[IMC-US] Imcus mockup

dnice danscott at rumpus.rackhost.net
Mon Oct 6 23:11:41 CDT 2003

Sup us list,

Here are a couple of mock ups for a us sight that ana and I worked on. Of
course, nothing is final and many of the pictures and text are place
holders. Further more the scroll arrows and the little thumbnail picts on
the right are techie dependent.


There has already been some off list discussion while the server was down.
Here a quick recap of some concerns from cc communications between sacha,
ana, max, and josh while the list was down.

-Nice Clean
-No Borders! prominent position (does it have to be in such prime real
-bowling logo--I put it there as a place holder, but some like it. Some
think its goofy. Some have suggested the possibility of a see of faces
montage, I personally like a single strong image, but one that we all agree
on might be hard to come by.
- can we move the search back to the left-hand area since website users
have already mapped it to that area (maybe replace the "themes" area)?
- what e-mail list are folks subscribing to in the subscribe area?  will
we send out daily digests (like the NY Times) -- cause i think that would
be fuckin' cool!
- is it possible to somehow "mark" IMCs that are participating in the
syndication effort (e.g., make them bold in the left-hand column)?
- the site mockup is for variable-width (as opposed to fixed-pixel) --
will this work with the mock-up on smaller screens?


__From Max at Michigan IMC
check out us.michiganimc.org (a temporary name, of course).  and give
many thanks to ben for installing it (michiganIMC tech superstar).
He's bc at sdf.lonestar.org, try to include him in the cc list.

If anyone wants to work on ccs-ifying the new site to go along with the
scheme that dan and ana designed, let me know and I will give you a
username/password to get into the admin stuff for the site.  I'll get
to work on it also, but it will be kind of slow-going for me cause I'm
pretty swamped lately.


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