faith swords faith at ucimc.org
Wed Oct 29 17:15:24 CST 2003

hey y'all,

i am writing a grant detailing sascha's work and what's been done
vis-a-vis this site specifically at the moment and i have a couple
questions, but he is in class, so i was thinking maybe someone on this
list is online and could answer my questions, since i have been paying
more attention to other things than to the events around IMC-US and can't
find anything specific enough in the archives.

what i need to know is:

1. what working groups have already been established?
2. what working groups are planned for the future?
3. do we have an approximate timeframe for when we plan to go live?
4. how is the tech stuff coming? how is the code-writing going? (at this
point, i am probably messing up the language, as i have no clue about
techie anything...)

if anyone wants to help me out, i'd appreciate it a lot.


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